12-17-14 gab-fdl county clerk react

The Fond du Lac County Clerk says a proposal to do away with the Government Accountability Board would be a foolish waste of taxpayer money.  Republicans in charge of the legislature are talking about doing away with the board of retired judges and replacing it with a partisan model.  Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg says the board replaced the Elections Board which was widely viewed as ineffective and too partisan.  “I look at seeing a nightmare, I see a lot of taxpayer money spent foolishly, I see it going absolutely nowhere,”  Freiberg told AM 1170 WFDL’s Between the Lines program.  “I don’t care who is in charge right now, we went down this road years ago.  I shudder when I think we could possibly go back to it being a partisan board.”   An audit of the non partisan board that oversees ethics and elections in Wisconsin identified a number of problems with its operations including not conducting reviews to identify felons who may have voted.  Freiberg says there has never been a case of a felon voting in a Fond du lac County election during the time she has been in the office.

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