The future of a Fond du Lac Lakeside Park footbridge may hinge on a recommendation from an engineering consultant. Community Development director Diane Benson told the Historic Preservation Commission this week that the consultant will investigate if the Fountain Island bridge would maintain its historical character if repairs to the bridge are made. City staff initially recommended replacing the bridge, citing the higher cost of rehabilitating the structure. The Historic Preservation Commission will take into account the consultant’s findings when they decide whether the bridge should be designated as an historic structure. The bridge is an example of a metal bowstring truss bridge that was build around 1870. The bridge was originally used to cross the Fond du lac River at Scott Street and was relocated to the park in 1920. The bridge is one of seven remaining bowstring trusses in Wisconsin. Benson says it the bridge is designated as historic the Public Works Department would then work with the Historic Preservation Commission to rehabilitate the bridge.