Mayville School District voters have rejected a high school renovation referendum of up to 23 million dollars. Voters voted down both referendum options. With 1071 “yes” votes to 1261 “no” votes, Question One asked to spend 19.3 million dollars for a new secure front entrance, classroom and infrastructure updates, and a new auditorium. With 941 “yes” votes to 1379 “no” votes, Question Two asked to spend 3.7 million dollars to build an additional gymnasium. Mayville School District Superintendent Dr. Pat Antony says it’s back to the drawing board, as the needs are not going away. If 19.3 million dollar option alone would have passed, the owner of a 100 thousand dollar home would pay 83 dollars more in taxes per year. That number jumps to 110 dollars more in taxes per year if voters would have approved both referendum options.