4-15-15 area school superintendents meet with assembly education committee chair

The Fond du Lac School superintendent describes a meeting with Republican state representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt on the topic of a school accountability bill as productive.  Fond du Lac superintendent Dr. Jim Sebert along with superintendents from North Fond du Lac, Lomira and Campbellsport met with Thiesfeldt Friday at the request of the state lawmaker.  Sebert says while Thiesfeldt remains committed to sanctions for failing schools, he is open to what those may be.  “He’s very open I think to, if we want to call them sanctions, I think a better term is support to help schools get better,  I think some of that sanction part has softened,”  Sebert told WFDL news.  Sebert says area superintendents made it clear to Thiesfeldt they are opposed to a letter grading system for schools. “We collectively as superintendents think that the current model works.  We think its better for kids, we think its better for communities, we think its better for economic development.  We think that public education in Wisconsin is some of the best in the country so why do we want to do things that make us look like we’re struggling?”

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