4-21-15 dodge county sheriff prescription medication drop-off

The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) has recently announced that they will continue the efforts formerly conducted by the DEA in collaboration with law enforcement to dispose of unused or expired medications. DOJ will host 2 statewide take-back events annually (spring & fall) and they have pledged to work with law enforcement to coordinate the take back events and handle disposal. DOJ has authorized that participants may dispose of solid, non-liquid medication(s) by removing the medication from its container and disposing of it directly into a disposal box or into a clear sealable plastic bag. Plastic pill containers should not be deposited or collected under the new DOJ guidelines. Blister packages are acceptable without the medications being removed. The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office would request that you bring your pills in a clear sealable bag to be deposited in the drop box. Liquids will be accepted during this initiative.  However, any liquids, creams and sprays must be in their original packaging. Under the DOJ guidelines the following items will not be accepted:

  • Liquids without the original packaging will not be accepted.
  • Illegal drugs, needles/sharps, inhalers, aerosol cans, bio-hazardous materials (anything containing a bodily fluid or blood), personal care products (shampoo, soaps, lotions, sunscreens, etc…), household hazardous waste (paint, pesticides, oil, gas) will not be accepted.

We agree with the Department of Justice that unused or expired medicine should never be flushed or poured down the drain. Water reclamation facilities are not designed to remove all of them and trace amounts of pharmaceuticals are showing up in rivers and lakes around the world. We ask for your cooperation in meeting the new requirements and pledge to continue providing twenty four hour access to our drop box to aid in this effort.

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