8-12-15 second dodge county sex offender returned to sand ridge

Dodge County Circuit Court Judge Brian Pfitzinger made an order to disapprove the placement plan of convicted sex offender Jonathan Miller. This decision was based on information that was discovered by the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office that young children were living next door to the residence selected.  This discovery was not made until after the Sheriff’s Office was notified of the placement plan.  Notification to the Sheriff’s Office did not occur until after the placement plan was established and approved.  This ruling comes after a similar ruling last month which removed convicted sex offender Robert Larson from that same residence.   Both individuals are now in custody and will no longer reside at the W2691 STH 49, Brownsville address.   Sheriff Dale J. Schmidt says he is pleased with both rulings and says he believes these decisions are best for the safety and well-being of the children that were living next door to these individuals.  “It is important to realize that Chapter 980 sex offenders need to be housed in a location that is clear of parks and schools, but it is also important that we house them in an area that is not adjacent to young children’s home,”  Schmidt said.  “The safety of our children must always be paramount in the decision of where to place these individuals in our community.”   The Wisconsin Department of Health Services will now be charged with locating a more suitable placement plan for these individuals.

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