Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) is accepting applications for fall internships in his Washington, D.C. and Fond du Lac offices. Intern applicants should submit a resume and references to Matt Furlow at “I encourage college students in Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District to apply for an internship in my office,” said Congressman Grothman. “Internships provide opportunities to learn more about the way our laws are made and how the federal government works.” In Washington, D.C. and Fond du Lac, intern responsibilities will vary. They will be asked to answer phones, research legislation for the Congressman and legislative staff, as well as attend hearings and briefings, and communicate with constituents on various issues before the House of Representatives. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office. Internship positions are unpaid and run from August 31 – Mid-December, dates are flexible. For more information contact our Washington, D.C. office at 202-225-2476 or email Matt Furlow at