9-29-15 st. mary’s springs academy beam signing ceremony

With construction in full swing  hundreds of students, past and present, gathered at St. Mary’s Springs Academy Monday to say they were there before the tallest beam is erected as part of a major expansion, remodeling project.    Parents, students and alumni signed the beam before it is hoisted into place this week.  Director of Advancement Julie Moyer says its wonderful to see the new addition take shape.  “I’ve had people from kindergarten all the way through 80 years old stopping.  so its pretty amazing all the different types of people coming together for this event,”  Moyer told WFDL news.  Construction started back in April and system president Kelly Norton says everything is on schedule.  “Alot of the foundation work is done, the footings are poured,  and the steel beams are starting to take shape.  The walls should be completed sometime before the end of this year.”  The construction project should be completed by next spring.  A topping off ceremony will be held on Wednesday September 30th.

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