Michael L. Miller
Birthday: November 22, 1976
Race: White
Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 140
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue (glasses)
The Fond du Lac Police Department has been notified of a change of address for Michael L. Miller. Miller was released in early March 2010 after serving 2 years for one count of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of a Child and one count of Intentionally Setting Fire to Another’s Land. Miller was convicted of sexually assaulting a 13- year-old female acquaintance on multiple occasions. He was later revoked for failure to follow the rules of supervision, and Miller spent additional time in the Fond du Lac County Jail. Miller most recently resided at 137 E. 2nd St and will now be living at 195 Marquette St. Michael L Miller is no longer on Probation/Parole/Extended Supervision. He is required to comply with the Sex Offender Registry for his life.
Contact Information:
Fond du Lac Police Department: Emergency Dial 911 – Non Emergency: 322-3700
Division of Community Corrections: 929-2983
Information on the Internet: http://www.fdlpolice.com http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public/
Jason J. Wolford
Birthday: November 24, 1980
Race: White
Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 158
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel (glasses)
The Fond du Lac Police Department has been notified of a change of address for Jason J. Wolford. Wolford was released from prison on October 25, 2011 after serving 9 years for 1st Degree Sexual Assault of a Child and 3rd Degree Sexual Assault. Wolford was convicted of sexually assaulting 12- year-old and 14-year-old female acquaintances. He was discharged from extended supervision on March 29, 2015. Wolford will be living at 85 Sheboygan St.
Special conditions for Jason J. Wolford:
1) Wolford is NOT on active probation, parole or extended supervision.
2) Wolford is required to comply with Wisconsin Sex Offender Registration Program and GPS Monitoring for life.
3) Per WI State Statute Wolford is prohibited from working or volunteering with minors under the age of 16. He is also prohibited from photographing, filming or videotaping minors without written consent of the parent.
Contact Information:
Fond du Lac Police Department: Emergency Dial 911 – Non Emergency: 322-3700
Information on the Internet: http://www.fdlpolice.com http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public/