10-7-15 walk to school day

Children are encouraged to walk or bike to school Wednesday.  Walk to School Day is desgined to address the growing concern with lack of physical activity as well as increase awareness in protecting our environment.   Over the last 30 years, the percentage of children biking and walking to school has declined from 50% or more to where it is now closer to about 15% that bike or walk.  Walk to School Day is not a new initiative. The Partnership for a Walkable America sponsored the first National Walk Our Children to School Day in Chicago in 1997.  “October is Child Health Month and walking your child to school is a terrific way to obtain physical activity and discuss safety in your own neighborhood,” says Marian Sheridan, School Health and Safety Programs Coordinator for the Fond du Lac School District. Schools will also be providing incentive prizes and/or raffle drawings provided through Safe Routes to School for students who choose to participate in this activity.

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