10-22-15 rolling meadows golf course revenue up

After one Fond du Lac County board supervisor suggested earlier this year that the county may want to consider getting out of the golf course business, it appears the county golf course is going to end the season this year in the black.  Last spring supervisor Tom Schumacher suggested maybe it was time for the county to sell the golf course after a report showed the Rolling Meadows Golf Course had lost money seven years in a row including $256,000 last year.  But county executive Al Buechel says the golf course made money this year.   “Attendance is up, revenue is up, the last I saw about $85,000,”  Buechel told WFDL news.  “…part of it was a small rate increase but there was more play because the weather cooperated nicely.”   Buechel says the bottom line is the golf course is a quality of life issue for the county.

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