Area school superintendents are voicing concern about a proposed bill that would limit Wisconsin school districts’ ability to raise revenue. The bill would restrict when and how local school districts can raise money through referendums. Legislators in favor say the bills are designed to lower property taxes, keep voters from being worn down by multiple referendums and prevent special elections when turnout is low. Campbellsport School District Administrator Paul Amundson says its about local control. Responding to a comment by the bill’s author, Republican state senator Duey Stroebel, that the changes would inject more sincerity and honesty in the school referendum process. “All the referendums I’ve been in we’ve been trying to be very transparent, open to community suggestions, serving the community,” Amundson told WFDL news. Amundson says he plans to contact senator Stroebel to express his concerns with the bill. “He (Stroebel) represents Campbellsport. We’re disappointed with this.” Tonya Gubin is the Waupun School District superintendent. “We’ve prided ourselves in Wisconsin about having local control over our schools and to me this is just one more tactic of trying to control what schools are able to do.”