10-29-15 fdl city council approves chicken ordinance

Four months after approving a beekeeping ordinance  the Fond du Lac city council has approved an ordinance that allows residents to raise chickens in their backyards.  Donna Wick say she plans to have three or four chickens.  “We’re really excited about it I already have my plans for the coop my husband is going to be building,”  Wick told WFDL news.  Supporters say there is a growing popularity of a self sustaining lifestyle and organic, homegrown food and that hundreds of  communities across the country have similar ordinances including several Wisconsin municipalities.  Wick says she plans on keeping three or four chickens mainly as pets.  “We’re going to have to build large fences around our yard because we have had problems with dogs attacking some rabbits we have in the backyard.”   Wick says the idea of raising chickens in the city  is really not a big deal.  “I think as long as we are respectful of our neighbors and a lot of the neighbor kids like to come over and visit our rabbits.  I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot of kids checking out our chickens as well,”  Wick said.  Council president LeeAnn Lorrigan says she received calls from several people in support including a teacher and a firefighter.  She says people have different reasons for wanting to raise chickens.  “Economics.  Its hard for them to pay the cost of free-range eggs.  They want to raise the chickens from eggs, have them hatch and let their kids be part of the whole adventure.  People have told me they want it for stress relief,”  Lorrigan said.   A similar ordinance was voted down three years ago.

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