12-3-15 lottery director to step down

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Longtime Wisconsin Lottery director Mike Edmonds plans to step down. Edmonds’ last day will be Dec. 18 after some 12 years on the job. Lottery spokeswoman Stephanie Marquis confirmed that Edmonds gave notice last month of his plans to leave. Asked why he chose to quit, Marquis said political appointees can get moved around or replaced.   Edmonds was appointed as lottery director in 2003 under the administration of then-Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle.  Lottery revenue has grown over the last few years, rising from $481 million in fiscal year 2009-10 to $569 million in fiscal year 2013-14. Since the lottery began in 1988 it has provided $3.7 billion in property tax relief.

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