With December upon us, so is another great season of Fond du Lac Cardinals hockey. For many, it brings up great memories of their own days donning the Cardinal hockey sweater and playing at the Blue Line Ice Arena (old or new). Some have continued with the sport over the years playing or coaching at some level, or watching their own youngsters develop through the program. However, they will all have a chance to reunite at the Fondy Hockey Alumni game on December 19, just in time (to return to Fondy) for the holidays. With the exception of the years 1970-1981, Fond du Lac High School has been putting a hockey team on the ice since 1963. Through 7 different head coaches, the Cardinals have spanned those years with memories of 13 sectional championships, 2 state runner-up titles, and 1 state championship. One player that will always be remembered in Fondy hockey history is Jeff Merrill. In a tragic accident on the ice in January of 1989, the freshman varsity hockey player’s life came to an end way too soon. Each year he is still remembered as one Fondy student athlete is recognized with a scholarship in his honor. “Our hockey alumni are the forefathers of this great hockey program that we have at Fond du Lac High School,” said Caylen Dyni, a senior and team captain for the Cardinals. “It’s a great honor for us to see them return to the old barn to show their continued support of Fondy hockey.” To show their respect, the Cardinals retreat to a regular locker room allowing alumni to use the varsity locker room for the game. All former Fondy hockey players are encouraged to attend the alumni festivities at Blue Line on December 19th by contacting Fondy hockey head coach Ryan Sarazin at sarazinr@fonddulac.k12.wi.us. Those interested may choose to participate in a 3:00 p.m. alumni scrimmage (even vs. odd years) before the Fondy varsity game against the Cedarburg Bulldogs at 5:00 p.m. and/or participate in a shooting contest between the first and second periods of the game. Returning alumni will also join current varsity players on the ice, lining up on the red line, for the National Anthem. A social at Fat Joe’s of Fond du Lac will follow. Tickets to the game are $4.00 for adults, $2.00 for students (K-12), FREE for seniors (62+) and young children. For more information you may contact Ryan Sarazin at Fond du Lac High School.