12-5-15 letter to the editor: republican rep. mark born

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan recently laid out his vision for ‘A Confident America’; a multi-faceted alternative to the current failing Democratic agenda, which is showing little to no promise with many Americans losing confidence in the American Dream.  One of the many facets addressed in his speech, Speaker Ryan referenced the need to reform our public benefit systems in order to curb the systematic poverty that has a firm grasp over millions of Americans. One vital approach he called for is work requirements across all our public benefit programs. Here in Speaker Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin, this philosophy has proven successful in getting people jobs and employment to support themselves or providing them with the training and skills necessary to secure their own future.  Wisconsin’s FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program, a provision I supported in the 2013-15 state budget, was implemented this past April. FSET is a free program for FoodShare recipients, in which able-bodied adults between ages 18 and 49 without children are automatically enrolled. In order to continue receiving benefits, these able-bodied adults must either work 80 hours each month, or take part in a free worker training program.  Eight months after implementation, initial figures released this month on the FSET program are showing positive results. Thousands of people have found employment through FSET or on their own, and thousands more people have enrolled in the program to help themselves gain the necessary skills to contribute to today’s workforce. Others decided to drop off the FoodShare rolls and no longer receive benefits because they were not willing to work part-time or enroll in the free work training program.  In wanting to help guide individuals from government dependence to independence, we have set up a system that gives them the necessary skills to do so as long as they are willing to participate. By helping transition people away from government dependence and to jobs of their own we are ensuring that our public benefits are reserved for those who are truly in need. Our welfare programs should not be a permanent lifestyle, but rather a helping hand to get people back to their lives.  Let’s embrace Speaker Ryan’s vision for a Confident America. Let’s embrace states serving as hubs for innovation and reform. And let’s make sure that our ideas and beliefs are what matter come election day. I am confident that by spreading this message and implementing meaningful reforms such as Wisconsin’s FSET program in states across the county, that more and more people will have greater faith in our government and the American Dream.
Representative Mark Born, a Republican, represents the 39th District in the Wisconsin State Assembly, and is chairman of the Assembly Committee on Public Benefit Reform. He resides with his family in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

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