12-7-15 violent sex offender placement information meeting

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff says residents have to speak up and voice their concerns if they want to have any chance of reversing a Supervised Release plan for a violent sex offender.  Under the plan Clint Rhymes would be placed in a Van Dyne residence even though he committed the crime in Milwaukee County.  A hearing on the plan will be held in Milwaukee County Circuit Court December 16th.   Sheriff Mick Fink is holding an informational meeting at the Eldorado Town Hall starting at 6:00 Monday evening. Rhymes was convicted of sexual assault and a brutal attempted homicide in Milwaukee County.  Fink says he objects to placing Rhymes in Fond du lac County based on the violent and disturbing nature of the convictions and the fact he has no ties to Fond du Lac County.

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