12-7-15 walker-pearl harbor remembrance day

Governor Scott Walker attended a Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony today at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King.  To remember those who lost their lives during this tragic event, Governor Scott Walker issued Executive Order #182 ordering the Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin be flown at half-staff in observance of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.  “On the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, we honor those who defended our country and lost their lives on this day 74 years ago,” Governor Walker said.  “As we honor them, we are reminded that the price of our nation’s freedom is not free, but paid for by our brave men and women in uniform.  Let us thank the members of our Armed Forces today and every day for making the courageous and selfless decision to put their lives at risk to protect our communities, our state, and our nation.”   Serving Wisconsin’s veterans for over 125 years, the Veterans Home at King is a 721-bed long-term care facility that offers comprehensive nursing care; physical, occupational, speech, recreation, and respiratory therapy; as well as dentistry, eye care, and social services.  Governor Walker visited with several Wisconsin veterans today, including two Pearl Harbor survivors: Chuck Davis, who served in the Navy, and Clyde Stephenson, who served in the Marines.  In addition to issuing an Executive Order, Governor Walker also proclaimed today Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

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