12-27-15 high risk sex offender moving to new location in fdl

The Fond du Lac Police Department has been notified of a change of address for
Allen L. Sabel. Sabel was previously released from prison and had been
residing at 457 Thomas Street. Effective January 4, 2016, he will no longer be
residing at 457 Thomas Street. As of the date of this release, Sabel does not
have an approved residence. Sabel was convicted of Repeated Sexual Assault
of the Same Child on January 3, 2006. When Sabel was 13 years old, he
sexually assaulted an 8-year-old male acquaintance on multiple occasions. In
addition, Sabel has 3 juvenile adjudications for sexually assaulting minors. The
victims include preteen males and females, who were known to him. Sabel’s
sexual assault offenses involved fellatio and inappropriate touching.
Allen L Sabel is on extended supervision until October 2016.
Special conditions of Allen L. Sabel’s supervision are:
1) No contact with victim, no unsupervised contact with minors, no presence in
taverns, bars, or liquor stores, and no use of alcohol or illegal drugs. No
presence at Pick N Save on W. Johnson Street, No Contact with Fond du Lac
High School or Horace Mann High School.
2) Comply with all rules of high risk sex offender supervision, and cooperate with
electronic monitoring and GPS.
3. Face-to-face contact with law enforcement as required, lifetime registration
with Wisconsin Sex Offender Registration Program, lifetime GPS monitoring

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