3-24-16 treffert center-fdl school district explore 4k program

The Treffert Academy, in conjunction with the Fond du Lac School District, is exploring an option to offer a 4K program for the 2016-17 school year.  If feasible, an afternoon 4K program would be available, along with 4K wraparound care. Space is limited, and priority will be given to Academy attendees.  Registration forms for 4K wraparound care and other Academy programs are available at treffertcenter.com. Registration forms for 4K are available at the Treffert Academy, district schools, partner sites and the Administration Center.  Interested individuals should return the 4K registration form, along with the Treffert Academy registration form, indicating desired programs.  The Treffert Academy offers a stimulating educational program in a warm, nurturing setting. Each day, children explore materials on their own, participate in small group projects, join together in the whole group for stories, songs, discussions and play outdoors.  Children are encouraged to grow in independence, curiosity and initiative, at the same time that they learn to cooperate, respect others and form relationships based on trust, fairness and sensitivity to the feelings of others.  The Treffert Academy – located at 371 E. 1st Street – offers care for the following age groups:

  • All day preschool for children ages three to five years old
  • Before and after school care for school-aged children
  • All day care on days with no school
  • Summer programming

More information about the Fond du Lac School District 4K program can be found at www.fonddulac.k12.wi.us or by calling the Treffert Academy at (920) 907-3967.

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