4-6-16 bernie sanders goes “between the lines”

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks at a campaign rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Bernie Sanders continued to campaign in Wisconsin on election day and said a high voter turnout bodes well for his campaign.  In an exclusive interview with WFDL news Sanders continued to repeat the themes that have helped him rise in popularity over the last several months.  “Certainly making sure the United States joins the rest of the industrialized world, guarantees health care for all people.  I think there’s a tremendous need to make colleges and universities tuition free so that all of our young people can get a higher education without going deeply into debt,”  Sanders told WFDL news.   “We have to deal with climate change.   This is a horrific global crisis.” Responding to actions by Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Republican legislators to eliminate union rights for state employees.  “Let me just say this, I think the people want to know what a Sanders administration in Washington would look like.  Take a hard look at governor Walker and think exactly the opposite.”

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