4-19-16 clean up fdl week

The City of Fond du Lac is partnering up with local businesses and organizations to celebrate Earth Week by cleaning up Fond du Lac.  Several activities have already been planned by local organizations, and residents are encouraged to join them.  Residents can also gather a group together, pick up neighborhood trash, and the City will collect the trash bags (call 322-3544). Listed below is the Calendar of Events for Earth Week Fond du Lac. 

  • Gottfried Prairie & Arboretum Native Plant Sale. Now until April 22.  Visit gottfriedprairie.org for a list of individual plants, garden types and order form.  (Tracy McDermott, 920-313-0190).   
  • Lakeside Park History and Foliage. Wednesday, April 20, 5:30.  Fond du Lac Natural Beauty Council.  Park Superintendent John Redmond and Tracy Reinhardt will speak about the history of Lakeside Park and its foliage.  At the Knights of Columbus Hall.  (UW-Extension, 929-3173, RSVP by April 15).  Registration at 5:30, dinner at 6:30, presentation at 7:00.
  • UW-Fond du Lac Cleanup. Thursday, April 21, noon.  The Boys & Girls Club will assist with a cleanup of the Gottfried Prairie, but other volunteers are welcome.  Gloves and trash bags provided.  Refreshments provided.  (Tracy McDermott, 920-313-0190).
  • “Face the Waste.Wednesday, April 20, noon.  Marian University’s dining service will raise awareness about food waste.  Sponsored by Sodexo.  sodexomyway.com/planet/local/html.
  • Small Farmers Cool the Planet. Thursday, April 21, 12:45-2:10 p.m.  Ben Sadoff Science Hall at Marian University (lecture hall).  Margie Winter will show a short video followed by a panel discussion made up of local small-scale farmers. The Marian Social Justice Committee is sponsoring the event and providing refreshments. Open to all students and classes at Marian and to the public.
  • Downtown Cleanup. Thursday, April 21.  Three groups will be clean up garbage throughout the downtown.  (Amy Hansen, 921-322-2006)
  • League of American Bicyclists Visit. Friday, April 22, 8:00 – 11:30.  A representative from LAB will visit Fond du Lac to tour some of our bike trails and offer encouragement, exposure and ideas for improvement.  Meet at the Wild Goose Trailhead, bike to Lakeside Park.
  • Half-price disposal, City bulky waste site. Saturday, April 23.  8:00 – noon. Municipal Service Center, 490 Doty St. (Steve Kees, 322-3542)
  • “Don’t be a Litter Bug.” Saturday, April 23, 9:00 – noon.  Open Circle Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (19 3rd) hosts a spring cleanup in FdL central city area. Volunteers welcomed!
  • Free Paper Shredding. Saturday, April 23, 9:00 – 11:00.  Fox Valley Savings Bank, 51 E. 1st  Participants are asked to limit their materials to two grocery bags of paper.
  • Earth Week Open House & Fair. Sunday, April 24 1:00 – 4:00. The Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes (320 Cty Hwy K) will feature their Solar Installation. Also on display in Founders’ Hall will be Just Fare offering fair trade products for purchase and Shared Seasons Farm, a community-supported agriculture program. Drawing for a free rain barrel, compliments of Gottfried Prairie.
  • Supple’s Marsh Information Session. Monday, April 25, 4:30 – 5:30p.m.  Rooms D&E, City/County Government Center, 160 S. Macy St.  Pre-Board presentation by Andrew Sabai on the marsh’s water quality, and city representatives will speak about their sampling of the Fond du Lac River and other outlying water bodies.  (Jordan Skiff, 322-3472)
  • Emerald Ash Borer Update. Wednesday, April 27, 6:00 p.m.  The City Public Works Department will update the City Council on its EAB program.  City/County Government Center, 160 S. Macy St.
  • Arbor Day Tree Planting. Friday, April 29, 1:00. Lakeside Park Pavilion, 71 Promen Dr.  Join a local grade school class as they plant a tree in Lakeside Park.  (Brian Weed, 322-3594)
  • Migratory Bird Habitat. Friday, April 29.  Waste Management is sponsoring a planter area near Frazier Point in Lakeside Park, with trees and ground covering planted as bird habitat.  Park Watch provided this idea, and the work is to be completed by Stuart’s Landscaping.
  • Fond du Lac River Cleanup. Saturday, April 30, beginning between 8:30 and 9:00. Meet at the north shelter of Oven Island in Lakeside Park.  Coordinated by the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance.  Register on-line at http://www.fwwa.org/  (Kelly Reyer, 920-915-1502)
  • Free Paper Shredding. Saturday, April 30, 9:00 – 11:00.  A shredding truck will be at the National Exchange Bank (130 S. Main St.) for free and confidential paper recycling.
  • Adopt a Highway. Saturday, April 30, 8:30.  151 & Winnebago Park and Ride. CSA Sisters and Associates fan out to clean roadsides along Highway 151.  Safety vests and garbage bags provided.
  • International migratory Bird Day events. May 3-7. (Laura DeGolier, 921-4191):
    • Jewels of Nature; Delightful Birds I Have Known. Tuesday, May 3, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Presentation by author Alan Haney.  Fond du Lac Public Library.
    • Waterfowl Birding Walk.  Friday, May 6, 6:00 p.m. Ledgeview Pond, Camelot Business Park.
    • Migrant Song Bird Birding WalkSaturday, May 7, 9:00 a.m. Greenway Arboretum. 55 W. Pioneer Rd.
    • Lakefront Birding WalkSaturday, May 7, 1:00 p.m. Lakeside Park, west of Main St.
  • Master Gardeners Plant Sale. May 16, May 20, May 21.  Fairgrounds Cow Palace.
  • “Green Expo”: Walleye Weekend – Rain Barrel Instruction/Demonstration and Sustainability VenueSaturday, June 11.  Lakeside Park Pavilion, 71 Promen Dr. Hosted by Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance; sponsored by Waste Management and staffed by Lake Winnebago Quality Improvement Association.  (Jordan Skiff, 322-3472)


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