A little over a month after voting down an across the board pay hike for administrators the Fond du Lac school board has reversed its decision. At their meeting Monday night the board voted 6-1 to give school administrators a one percent pay hike. Board member Peggy Breister cast the only vote against the increase. Breister says administrators are already well paid and she was concerned that an across the board increase gave much larger increases to administrators already making more money. “If you look at the statistics teachers in Wisconsin overall are paid below the national average and our administrators are paid above the national average,” Briester said. “Its not that I don’t support our administrators. I think we have many, many fine administrators doing great work and they deserve to be compensated for that and I think they are.” Board member Julie Nett says she believes the increase is justified. ‘We don’t look at the entire state of Wisconsin, we look at our area and how we compete with school districts that are comparable to us,” Nett said. Superintendent Dr. Jim Sebert says all employee groups have received a pay raise every year as long as he has been in the district. Sebert is the highest paid administrator, making just over $151,000 a year and will receive a $1500 increase. Central Office administrator Danica Lewis gets a $1300 pay increase. She makes $131,000 a year.