The Fond du Lac Traffic Safety Commission is looking for ways to improve pedestrian safety at a crosswalk near the city-county government center. Fond du lac County Sheriff’s captain Ryan Waldschmidt says the concern is southbound traffic on Macy Street turning right onto Western Avenue. Waldschmidt says a potential solution is prohibiting right turns from Macy when the traffic light is red. He says many government center employees avoid the crosswalk and walk across in the middle of Western Avenue instead. “That was part of the concern brought up is they feel safer crossing mid-block where traffic has made their turn, the car is now driving straight again and can see pedestrians,” Waldschmidt told WFDL news. “Pedestrians can cross mid-block but the difference is they do not have the right of way. They have to yield to traffic, whereas, if you’re in a marked crosswalk traffic has to yield to the pedestrian.”