Whether as a taxpayer, a citizen, a family member or a business owner, proposed Medicaid changes will most likely have a critical impact on you. Medicaid covers many people with disabilities and seniors in our community. It also supports businesses and our local economy. In the Oshkosh and Fox Valley region Medicaid funds programming like Family Care*; IRIS*; speech, occupational and physical therapies in our schools*; autism services*; nursing homes; personal care*; mental health programs*; long-term supports for children with significant disabilities* and more. Congress is discussing Medicaid changes that could amount to an estimated $1 billion cut to Wisconsin. Wisconsin would be forced to eliminate “optional” services*, make some current Medicaid recipients ineligible, and/or reduce provider payments to businesses. In Winnebago and Outagamie Counties:
Nearly 1,700 people with disabilities and seniors are enrolled in Family Care and IRIS
Over 1,600 children with disabilities receive services in the Oshkosh school district; the district bills more than $500,000 in Medicaid annually.
Medicaid supports more than 75,000 provider employers statewide, including many small businesses in our area.
Join us to learn more about this federal proposal and how to act before final decisions are made in Washington.
When: Thursday, June 22 at 6 p.m. Where: Oshkosh West High School – O Room; 375 North Eagle Street, Oshkosh
Who: Presenters – Lisa Pugh, Executive Director of The Arc Wisconsin;
Lynn Breedlove, Co-chair Wisconsin Long-Term Care Coalition