North Military Road from West Follett Street to West Scott Street
Schedule: May 2017 to November 2017
Description: The project includes reconstruction of the sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, street, and lighting.
October 23th to October 27th: The grading crew should complete the final grading of the roadway before mid-week. Electrical conduit will be install down to Follett Street prior to installing the curb and gutter. The concrete contractor will begin installing curb and gutter and then drive aprons and sidewalk between McWilliams Street and Follett Street by mid-week. Crews will also begin pouring the concrete pavement in the intersection of Arndt Street and Military Road. This pavement will need to reach cure before the lane will be opened to traffic. Therefore the intersection of Arndt Street and Military Road will be closed for several weeks until final cure.
Traffic Impacts: The intersection of Arndt Street and Military Road will be closed to traffic to replace the concrete pavement. The closure will be for several weeks until the concrete pavement is fully cured. Military Road is closed to through traffic. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs. Parking is not permitted on the street during working hours.
CTH VV (PIONEER RD) from Hickory Street to Rogersville Road
Schedule: April 2017 thru November 2017
October 23rd to October 27th: The contractor is scheduled to continue work on landscaping on both CTH VV (Pioneer Road) and Military Road. Signing work will continue. Work will also continue on the traffic signals and lighting. Pavement marking work will also be on-going.
Traffic impacts: CTH VV (Pioneer Road from Hickory Street to Traffic impacts: CTH Traffic impacts: CTH VV (Pioneer Road) from Hickory Military Road is closed between CTH VV (Pioneer Road) and South Seymour Street. The closure for Military Road is tentatively scheduled to be complete in early October. The contractor is planning to switch traffic onto the new concrete of the eastbound lanes of CTH VV (Pioneer Road) near the middle of the week.