10-31-17 trump campaign investigation-indictments

Political observers say it remains to be seen how far up the chain of command an investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia goes.  President Donald Trump says alleged misdeeds by his former campaign chairman were “years ago” and insists there was “NO COLLUSION”  between his 2016 campaign and Russia.   Retired Ripon College political science professor Marty Farrell says whatever the final outcome is this latest development is not good for the White House.  “This is a president who has a hard core of supporters that apparently nothing will dissuade them.  But he only has about a 37 percent approval rating,”  Farrell told WFDL news.  Former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates were indicted Friday on money laundering and conspiracy charges.  The indictment says money laundering occurred through “at least 2016.”

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