4-13-18 marinette judge stays order to place child sex offender in fdl county

A Marinette County judge has stayed his order to place a violent  child sex offender in Fond du Lac County, but the Department of Health Services is going to try to place Jeffrey Butler at the town of Eldorado residence this morning.  Sheriff Mick Fink says Fond du Lac judge Robert Wirtz granted a restraining order late Thursday afternoon and says he is on Nitschke Road to turn Butler away.  “…knowing that judge Morrison in Marinette County is willing to hear the case I am telling you that if someone tries to put him in in there they will be placed under arrest,”  Fink told WFDL news.  Fond du Lac County Corporation Counsel Meggin McNamara says she is pleased the Marinette judge has agreed to hear  Fond du lac County’s motion to rescind his order.   McNamara says the judge’s original order did not follow state law.   Butler was convicted of sexually assauiting a child in Marinette County.

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