A new state of the art Fond du Lac police-fire training center is officially up and running. The $4.5 million facility is located on North Rolling Meadows Drive. Police chief Bill Lamb up until now officers received firearms training twice a year. He says the new facility enables officers to use the indoor shooting range on a regular basis. “Firearms training is a perishable skill. It’s not something you can do a couple of times a year and remain proficient at,” Lamb told WFDL news. “You’re talking about something where you have officers involved in deadly force situations. Their actions and responses need to be so deeply ingrained in their training that its almost subconscious behavior.” Fond du Lac Fire Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase says the new Fire Training Tower is one of the best in the state. Haase says it gives firefighters a realistic training experience of firefighting and fire rescue. “Basically it’s a four story building which gives you the high-rise part of it, and then you have lower sections that are built into rooms that are used for building fires in,” Haase said. “…we can pump smoke into any level that we want to.” Lamb says other nearby agencies including the Sheriff’s Office will also be able to use the facility.