Republican congressman Glenn Grothman says he doesn’t think President Trump’s tweets targeting four Democratic congresswomen of color were racist. The president set off a firestorm Sunday when he tweeted the four should go back to their home countries, though three were born in the United States. Grothman says he doesn’t think it’s racist to say that. “No they weren’t racist. I think they were a little bit intemperate, a little bit unpresidential. But you gotta remember this president is far more open, I think, about what he thinks about folks than any other president we’ve had in the past,” Grothman told AM 1170s Between the Lines program. Grothman describes the House vote this week to rebuke the president for his remarks “anti-Trump extremism.” Grothman says he is concerned that the tweets will come back to haunt him in the 2020 election, especially in key swing states like Wisconsin where he narrowly won in 2016.