The City of Fond du Lac Police Department, Drug Free Communities of Fond du Lac County and the City of Fond du Lac Senior Center are partnering to sponsor a drug take back event. Senior Center director Cathy Loomans says may drop off your expired or no longer needed medications at the Senior Center on Friday October 18 from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Loomans says for a lot of people unwanted medications tend to accumulate in the cupboard or medicine cabinet for a variety of reasons and its important to properly dispose of them. Loomans says the concern is that they may get into the wrong hands. If you miss this event you may drop your medications off at any of the 13 permanent drug drop boxes located throughout Fond du Lac County. The 2019 Drug Drop Awareness campaign runs from October 14 until Saturday, October 26. Since opening the first Drug Drop Box in the State of Wisconsin at the City of Fond du Lac Police Department in 2008 more than 24.5 million pills have been collected in Fond du Lac County.