A carhop at a Fond du Lac fast food restaurant is credited with helping to save the life of a customer. Gilles Frozen Custard on South Main Street posted on Facebook that Lily Casteneda-Bobadilla saved a man’s life while carhopping last Saturday. The post says an elderly gentleman was choking on his sandwich and Lily sprang into action, administered the Heimlich maneuver and saved his life. Fond du Lac Fire Chief Pete O’Leary says it’s a great example of a quick thinking citizen who was prepared and took action. “Its a great success story and a great reminder to all of us the importance of learning CPR and the Heimlich, and learning how to act quickly in those conditions,” O’Leary told WFDL news. “You never know when that day may be, but make sure if you can get the training so if that would happen to somebody you know and care about or someone you encounter when you’re out to dinner you know what to do.”