- Main Street from Merrill Ave. to Johnson Street and Merrill Ave. from Portland to Macy Street
Schedule: March 2020 through July 2020
Description: The project includes reconstruction of the storm force main, sanitary laterals, water main and laterals, storm sewer, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, restoration/landscaping, signals and lighting.
June 29 to July 3: The paving crew will completed the remaining concrete pavement and colored crosswalks early this week along N. Main Street and Merrill Avenue. The electrical contractor will complete installing the lighting and signal conduit and concrete bases along the east side of Main Street and the south side of Merrill Ave. The sidewalk contractor will start forming and pouring concrete sidewalk following the electrical work. Note: Please be cautious walking along the project, as the sidewalk will be removed, gravel placed and poured as the crew moves down the road. Access will be restricted at times depending what phase of this work is taking place. As much as possible the contractor will notify businesses of the restrictions and when you can walk on the new sidewalk. If you have a special access need, please contact the engineering department above or discuss with the contractor on site.
Traffic Impacts: N. Main Street and Merrill Avenue remains closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs. It’s illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades if not accessing businesses. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
Detour: A signed detour will direct southbound N. Main Street traffic east on Johnson Street to Park Avenue to Division Street and back to N. Main Street. Similarly, northbound traffic directed eastbound to Division Street to Park Avenue and then to Johnson Street and back to N. Main Street.
Business Signs: Business patrons are encouraged to follow business signs, which will direct them to access drives located adjacent to the businesses. Businesses on the east side of N. Main Street will have access from the east,
Marquette Street to Rees Street and from the west side, Macy Street to Rees Street.
- Military Road from Oak Park Avenue to S. Hickory Street
Schedule: March 2020 through October 2020
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
June 29 to July 3: The utility contractor continues installing storm leads, laterals, and catch basins in between the intersection of Seymour Street and Oak Park Place.
Traffic Impacts: S. Military Road remains closed to through traffic from S. Hickory Street to Seymour Street.  Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties and businesses past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours. Motorists are asked to please use caution when driving through this construction area.
11 th Street from Park Ave to Martin Avenue
Schedule: May 2020 through October 2020
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
June 29 to July 3: The utility contractor will begin replacing the sanitary sewer main mid-week, starting at Park Ave, and moving towards Vine St.
Traffic Impacts: 11 th Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
Hazotte Court from Division Street North to Dead End
Schedule: May 2020 through October 2020
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
June 29 to July 3: Alliant Energy gas main and service relocation continues. The subcontractor is installing new gas main under the sidewalk and then connecting new services for the residents.
Traffic Impacts: Hazotte Court remains open to traffic.
Follett Street from Doty Street to Military Road
Schedule: May 2020 through October 2020
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
June 22 to June26: The utility contractor will continue installing the new water main, and will begin installing the  sanitary interceptor mid-week.
Traffic Impacts: Follett Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
County Road V/Fond du Lac Avenue/National Avenue
Schedule: March 2020 through October 2020
Description of work: The project includes reconstruction of the water main and services and partnership with Fond du Lac County for new storm sewer, street, pedestrian trail, and lighting.
June 29 to July 3: Fond du Lac County Highway Dept. continues work on the project.
Traffic impacts: The intersections of County Road V/Fond du Lac Avenue/National Avenue remain closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs.
Project Detour: Signed detour in place utilizing Pioneer Road, Martin Avenue, and Ninth Street