The Fond du Lac School Board has approved a school reopening plan that will allow elementary school students to return to class full time this fall, with a blended model for middle and high school students. The vote was four to two with board president Susan Jones and board member Linda Uselmann voting against. The model allows students grades K-5 to be in class five days a week as long as the county is in phase two of it’s Reopening Plan, which it is currently in. Middle and High School students will be in class a couple days a week, and online three days a week. All parents would have the option of having their child learn online. School board member Nick Teifke says he received a lot of feedback from concerned parents of younger students. “…where they are going to send their kids, these kids are going to be going to daycare,” Teifke said. Uselmann says it’s a lot easier to shift from a blended model. “With blended learning if nothing happens, I don’t see why we couldn’t go to the next level up. If we open with blended learning and it’s a hot mess we’re going to need to pull back and so it’s easier to pull back from that then from five days a week,” Uselmann said. Interim superintendent Sharon Simon says the District worked with Public Health Officials and took everything into consideration in making the recommendation. Simon says the District was trying to error on the side of safety for students and staff.