The Fond du Lac city manager says he wasn’t surprised to see the Advisory Park Board make recommendations regarding the Lakeside Park alternate plan at their meeting last week. The Board recommended the plan be put to public referendum and also recommended the council hold off renovating the park pavilion until a feasibility study on the alternate plan is completed. Moore says he wouldn’t be surprised if the city council sees value in waiting before bids are put out on renovating the pavilion. “They (council) may want to wait until either the feasibility analysis is done or the conversation about land use on the lighthouse peninsula in particular has been resolved,” Moore told WFDL news. Moore says he thinks the conversation about land use at the park is one that is going to take a while to resolve. “I thought the overwhelming feedback the council and park board were getting from the public was slow this process down,” Moore said. “…give us the opportunity as the public to have some influence in perhaps changing the course of action that we are pursuing right now.” The alternate plan includes a restaurant on the lighthouse peninsula and amphitheater on Oven Island.