The dairy industry has a familiar question for you: “Got milk?” Six years after the popular tagline was retired, “Got milk?” ads are back. The dairy industry is reviving the campaign hoping to prolong the U.S. sales boost milk has gotten during the pandemic. Fond du Lac County Dairy and Livestock extension agent Tina Kohlman says during its more than 20 year run the ad campaign was very successful. “Twenty, 25 years it did work,” Kohlman told WFDL news. “People were seeing the popularity and the need and the desire of milk.” From January through mid-July, U.S. milk retail sales were up 8.3% to $6.4 billion, according to Nielsen. During the same period last year, milk sales were down 2.3%. The dairy industry says kids are eating lunches at home and adults have more time for breakfast and cooking with milk.