A member of a Facebook group opposed to a business group’s plan for commercial development at Lakeside Park says the group won’t stop until the alternate plan is defeated. Jane Puddy-Ricchio admits opposition to the plan may have been slow to develop, but says the group is circulating petitions in opposition to building any structure on the lighthouse peninsula at Lakeside Park and has collected more than 2,000 signatures in opposition. “There will not be a multi-use building blocking the 360 degree view of the lighthouse. There will not be,” Puddy Ricchio told WFDL news. She says the group has also increased their visibility through yard signs and t-shirts and bumper stickers. The plan includes a restaurant on the lighthouse peninsula and amphitheater and parking lot on Oven Island. Puddy-Ricchio also wants the council to hold off on renovating the existing park pavilion until results of a feasibility study are known.