Holy Family Catholic Community will host a Eucharistic Procession and Rosary Rally on October 11 at St. Mary’s Church, 59 E. Merrill Ave. as part of the nationwide
“Unite Our Nation” movement. The procession will begin at 1:15 p.m. following the noon Mass at St. Mary Church. The
procession will go from Merrill Avenue, down Main Street, to Veterans Park, with a Rosary at 1:45, talk from guest speaker Fr. Edward Sanchez at 2:15, and Benediction at 2:30.
Those who are unable to walk the procession route are invited to park at Veterans Park on Western Avenue and Main Street, and bring a lawn chair if needed. Parking will be available at
St. Mary’s Church for those walking. Supported by Knight of Columbus Fond du Lac and North Fond du Lac Councils, Fond du Lac Women of ENDOW, and Morality in Media, the procession is open to the public. The event planned by local organizers is designed to help bring peace and prayer to Fond du Lac, and healing to the nation. Clergy will lead the procession and everyone is invited to pray the patriotic
rosary for all fifty states. The event is prayerful, non-political and family-friendly. “This is a family-friendly event where all are welcome to pray. We create a powerful witness by
bringing Our Lord and the Blessed Mother out into the streets of America,” Lisa Sutton, one of the event organizers said.