10-21-20 two more fdl police officers placed on paid administrative leave

WFDL news has learned two  Fond du Lac police officers have  been placed on paid administrative leave, but the department is not releasing any additional information.   Police Chief Bill Lamb told WFDL news detective Steve Kaufman and officer Mark Medema were placed on paid administrative this month.   Lamb says Kaufman has since submitted his retirement papers.   Lamb says because it is a personnel matter he cannot comment further on the investigation.   Meanwhile  Fond du Lac police detective Bill Ledger has been on paid administrative leave for more than two months.   Lamb describes that investigation as pending.  Earlier this summer  representatives for United for Diversity and Ebony Vision met with Lamb regarding an officer’s conduct involving the black community stemming from a Facebook post the officer made.   Ledger came under fire in 2012 when he went on a political rant on Facebook following the District Attorney’s race.   In 2014 Ledger made an unsuccessful bid for Fond du Lac  County Sheriff.   In 2016 Ledger came under fire for a Halloween post that appeared to mock domestic violence.

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