The Ferryville village clerk says a giant symbol painted on a retaining wall in the tiny Mississippi River town doesn’t represent the community. On the wall, in white paint, is a giant Q, for QAnon, the name for a baseless set of conspiracy theories that, among other things, claim president Donald Trump is fighting a war against a deep-state cabal of Satan-worshipping sex-trafficking Democratic politicians. The conspiracy theory has been labeled a domestic terrorist threat by the FBI. “I have to say when I found out what it was I was shocked and more than a little embarrassed,” Clerk Bridgett Schill told WFDL news. “That’s sort of been the general attitude of the village.” Schill says initially she thought it was graffiti and others in the village asked her to call the property owner to ask if he would remove it. Schill says she contacted the owner, who has lived in Fond du Lac and Stoddard, just north of Ferryville. Schill says the owner told her for $50,000 he would consider removing it. She says the Sheriff’s Office says there is nothing they can do because it’s on private property. Schill says she is concerned that visitors will get the wrong impression about the town.