11-6-20 lost hikers is a reminder how easy it is to become disorientented even on state trails

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office says an incident last weekend shows just how easy it can be to become disoriented on an unfamiliar hiking trail.   Four Illinois residents became lost Sunday while hiking on the Ice Age Trail and called the Sheriff’s Office for help.  Sheriff’s captain Bill Tadych says the group started in Washington County and were hiking toward the Mauthe Lake area when they took a wrong turn and began walking toward the Milwaukee River.   Tadych says the hikers got confused and did the right thing by calling the Sheriff’s Office and waited for help to arrive.  Rescue personnel were able to locate them using GPS coordinates from their cellphone.  Tadych says it turns out they were only about a half mile from the road.  But Tadych says because they were in the woods they probably wouldn’t have realized that even if they had been 300 feet from a road.

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