The chairman of the Republican Party of Fond du Lac County says he believes the election in Wisconsin was fair and that any recount won’t change the fact that Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden. With that being said Rohn Bishop says if the Trump campaign is willing to pay for a recount and if they feel something nefarious was going on there is no harm in taking a second look at it. However, Bishop says he doesn’t buy the claim that there was any widespread voter fraud because of mail-in voting. “For all the talk of vote fraud, and you’re going to find some irregularities when there’s three million people voting, I bet there’s a few votes that aren’t suppose to be in there, but I don’t see widespread vote fraud,” Bishop told WFDL news. Bishop notes that Republican congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Scott Fitzgerald and Brian Steil all won more popular votes in their congressional districts than president Trump. “Lots of people voting for Republican policies but they just didn’t want to vote for Donald Trump.” “The numbers are the numbers. I’ve gone through them several times and people keep telling me there’s fraud Rohn, it’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming. But no one ever drops the bomb of where the fraud is. Until I actually get some evidence I think we’re starting to look kind of silly with all of it and we probably just need to move on.”