2-11-21 ethics board finds giles in violation of one section of ethics code

The Fond du Lac Ethics Board has found that a Fond du Lac city councilmember  violated a section  of the city’s ethics code.  Following a day long hearing Friday the board issued a written decision Thursday that  found councilmember Ben Giles  violated the  Dedicated Service section of the Ethics Code.  The board concluded that Giles violated the code after he was advised by the city attorney not to participate in council debates and votes concerning the Lakeside Park Master plan, by seeking outside counsel.  The Board said in doing so, Giles effectively attempted to create a back channel to obtain an opinion favorable to his desired outcome keeping the council and city officials in the dark and putting the city at risk of liability.   The Board did not find Giles in  violation of the Code’s sections of Fair and Equal Treatment and Conflict of Interest.

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