Carpenter Street from Greenwood Street to Main Street
Schedule: April 2021 through June 2021
Description: The project includes reconstruction of the storm force main, sanitary laterals, water main and laterals, storm sewer, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, restoration/landscaping, signals and lighting.
April 19 to April 23: The utility contractor will complete installation of sanitary and water laterals. Water tie in will be completed mid-week. Storm sewer installation will begin at the end of the week.
Traffic Impacts: Carpenter Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED – LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to
move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
Doty Street from Follett Street to Scott Street
Schedule: April 2021 through October 2021
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
April 19 to April 23: Alliant Energy’s contractor (InterCon) will be relocating gas main and laterals.
Traffic Impacts: Doty Street will remain open to two-way traffic.
W. Cotton Street from Military Road to Macy Street
Schedule: April 2021 through October 2021
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
April 19 to April 23: Alliant Energy’s contractor (InterCon) will be relocating gas main and laterals.
Traffic Impacts: Cotton Street will remain open to two-way traffic.
Star Street from 6th Street to 8th Street
Schedule: April 2021 through October 2021
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
April 19 to April 23: Alliant Energy contractor (intercom) will be relocating gas main and laterals.
Traffic Impacts: Star Street will remain open to two-way traffic.
Garfield Street from Bank Street to Scott Street
Schedule: April 2021 through October 2021
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, and restoration/landscaping.
April 19 to April 23: No work at this time.
Traffic Impacts: Garfield Street will remain open to two-way traffic.
Fox Ridge Business Park Phase 3
Schedule: April 2021 through October 2021
Description: The project includes construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, roadway, and restoration/landscaping.
April 19 to April 23: The contractor will continue earthwork operation.
Traffic Impacts: No traffic impacts.