Tickets are on sale for the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation’s annual Samaritan Cash Raffle, with the top prize of $100,000. The raffle gives participants the opportunity to win up to $125,000 in cash prizes. Agnesian Work and Wellness director Missy Tate says the 2021 virtual drawing is scheduled for noon on Wednesday, May 12 on Agnesian HealthCare’s Facebook page. Proceeds from ticket sales to the Samaritan Health Clinic at Agnesian HealthCare. The clinic provides health care to more than 500 underinsured patients annually. Tickets are now available for $50 each, four for $150 or nine for $300. They are available at several locations including the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation office at St. Agnes Hospital, , or through the ticket hotline at (920) 926-8966.