The Fond du Lac County Sheriff says he’s confident jail staff followed proper procedures and protocol prior to the death of an inmate last week. Seventy three year old Donald Forqurean was found dead in his jail cell Friday night. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says staff had a conversation with Forqurean shortly before noticing him on camera in an unnatural position in his wheelchair, and returned to his cell to find him pulseless and not breathing. Waldschmidt says he asked the Calumet County Sheriff’s Office to conduct an independent investigation in an effort to be transparent. Waldschmidt says the Wisconsin Department of Corrections will investigate to make sure proper jail procedures and protocol were followed. Forqurean suffered from pre-existing medical conditions and was housed in a medical cell. He was in custody awaiting trial on charges of attempted homicide stemming from a Fond du Lac shooting incident in January of last year.