The vice president of pharmacy services with SSM Health Wisconsin Region says the growing number of COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin and across the country is concerning. The number of average daily new cases has more than doubled in the last two weeks. Mo Kharbat says we know more about the virus than we did on the fronts of the second and third waves of the pandemic last summer and fall. State Department of Health Services on Tuesday reported the highest number of daily COVID-19 cases since May 19. Kharbart says that is concerning. “You’re right, we had a sense over the the past few weeks or may months or two that perhaps we’re out of the woods now and that we’re on the other side the pandemic, but unfortunately with the recent surge that we’re seeing it’s a reminder that we’re not out of the woods yet,” Kharbat told AM 1170s Between the Lines program. Kharbat says it’s also a reminder that people need to get vaccinated.