Tyler Riemer says he is excited about developing plans to enhance Fond du Lac’s Lakeside Park. Riemer is a UW-Madison student commissioned to study Lighthouse Point and Frazier Point as part of the UW- Madison Capstone project. “Personally my design philosophy is to design with altruism in mind,” Riemer told WFDL news. “Everything I do I do to improve the human experience.” Riemer says that can be done through preserving nature. “The ideal park for me puts me in a good mood and just makes me happy.” Riemer says his initial impression is that Lakeside Park is a very special place. “Even though I had never been there before I immediately felt like I was at home,” Riemer said. “…it was very welcoming and I think it’s beautiful with the amount of mature trees I can tell that it’s been there for a while and that it’s a very special place.” Riemer says a park should be beneficial to the health and well being of the people who use it. Riemer updated the Advisory Park Board at their meeting this week. Riemer is currently gathering public input. He is expected to report back with his findings and recommendations in the spring.