The Fond du Lac School District is addressing low-academic achievement and loss of learning from the pandemic with a new series of college readiness courses next school year. Superintendent Dr. Jeff Fleig says the Advancement Via Individual Determination, or AVID courses, will be offered at Riverside Elementary, Sabish Middle School and Fond du Lac High School. The percentage of Fond du Lac students scoring proficient in reading and math dropped nearly ten percent last year compared to the 2018-19 school year. The ACT composite was 19 last year, down from 19.4 the year before. Dr. Fleig says AVID is a K-12 college and career readiness system that provides instructional framework for staff and academic support for students to access rigorous coursework. Meanwhile the school board has approved adding personal financial literacy as a graduation requirement starting with the class of 2026. Courses that would qualify to meet the credit requirement would include personal finance, consumer credit, and consumer income, and a virtual personal finance option.