4-28-22 main street awards

The Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership was recognized for its outstanding downtown revitalization efforts at the 31st annual Wisconsin Main Street Awards ceremony held in downtown Fond du Lac this month at Hotel Retlaw.  The awards ceremony recognized the efforts by Wisconsin Main Street volunteers and staff for their historic preservation and downtown economic development efforts of communities in Wisconsin in 2021.   Best New Business was awarded to The Cellar District restaurant.  Best Cooperative Business Marketing Campaign goes to the Fond du Lac Farmers Market ‘Market Bucks’ Program.  Best Special Event was awarded to Fondue Fest.  Best Façade Rehabilitation Under $20,000 was awarded to Jesse and Sarah Houle for a remodel at 20 North Main Street.  Fond du Lac’s downtown mural project was voted Best Public Improvement Project,  and Kirsten Quam won the Volunteer of the Year award.    Executive Director of the Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership,  Amy Hansen, was recognized for fifteen years of service to Fond du Lac’s downtown.

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